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AIGS Surname Interests Database
Any member of the public may also search this database and make contact via email by clicking on this link [Member Surname Interests]

Surnames may be added and edited by any financial member of the AIGS. Ten surnames they are researching may be added, with the Country, County/State and Place included.

If you are an AIGS member, and would like to add up to ten of your family surnames, go to the link above and login with your membership credentials. You will be able to add surnames and edit your entries.
AIGS Surnames Database
Searching for surnames can be done in a number of ways:
•   Any letter from the alphabetical index can be chosen
•   Select Surname option followed by typing your query in the 'Search for' box. As little as two or three letters are required for the 'Surname' search option.
•   Select Country option followed by typing your query in the 'Search for' box. As little as two or three letters are required for the Country search option.
•   Select County/State option ollowed by typing your query in the 'Search for' box. As little as two or three letters are required for the Country search option.
•   Select Membership Number option.Type your membership number in the 'Search for' box to see a list of your submissions. Help and information about Privacy are available through the links to the right of the Search area.





Copyright © Australian Institute of Genealogical Studies Inc. 2012
ABN 97 600 455 890
Updated 16th December 2014
1/41 Railway Road Blackburn VIC 3130
Tel:  (03) 9877 3789